Legal Notice and
Terms of Use


The information presented in this website aims to describe the activities of AltamarCAM group, comprised of Altamar CAM Partners, S.L. and its subsidiaries and shareholdings (henceforth referred to jointly as “AltamarCAM or AltamarCAM group”), and the venture capital and investment capital industries in general in Europe and globally.

AltamarCAM reserves the right to update, alter or delete information in this Website, as well as its terms of use, at any time without the need for prior warning.

Visitors to this Website will be attributed the condition of user and it implies the acceptance of terms and conditions contained therein.

Website Information Use

Users must make proper and diligent use of this website and of the information contained therein, in accordance with the law and its present terms of use and will be liable from damages resulting from breaches of this obligation.

AltamarCAM has put its best effort to ensure that the information contained in this website is reliable and true, and that no relevant information has been omitted with the aim of preventing erroneous valuations or estimations. Some of the information contained herein has been obtained from outside sources. AltamarCAM does not assume any responsibility for the precision of said information.

This Website is fundamentally aimed at institutional investors, as well as individuals/entities that have the necessary capacity and the degree of sophistication to assume the financial risks associated with the investments described herein. Neither this website nor the information contained therein should be considered as a public offering of securities or request for savings from the public, nor does it constitute a recommendation or advice of any kind (whether legal, fiscal, or other type of investment advice or recommendation).

In the event that users access this Website or a section of it through username and passwords, these will be considered to be the exclusive property of the User. The User is responsible for safeguarding the username and password and accepts the responsibility for any damage or consequence resulting from its disclosure or fraudulent use.

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Given the nature of this Website and the nature of its electronic transmission over the Internet, neither AltamarCAM nor its directors and/or employees are responsible for any loss, cost or damage that might result or be related to the use of the inability to use any of the material incorporated or published on or through the Website.

No member of AltamarCAM will be responsible for whatever errors in data transmission, such as the loss of data or the change of any type, included but not limited to, whichever direct or indirect damage or which could be derived from the use of information and services rendered on this Website.

There is no guarantee that the material on this Website is free of any type of infection: virus, trojan horses and/or another core that might be of a contaminating or destructive nature. Users are responsible for taking the necessary security measures on their IT systems, such as anti-virus controls.

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This Website may contain links to other websites over which AltamarCAM does not exert control nor assumes any responsibility, neither of the material nor of the information included in those websites, nor of any service or product that might appear in them.

AltamarCAM, its directors and/or employees are exempt from any liability for damages of any nature that might be due to the content of these other sites.

Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights

The contents of this website are the sole and exclusive property of AltamarCAM, which has all rights reserved and which are protected by applicable intellectual property legislation. AltamarCAM reserves the right to block or deny access to this website to any user without prior warning.

Users can download or print copies of individual pages and/or sections of this Website as long as Copyright legal warnings are not eliminated nor any other legal notice of AltamarCAM’s ownership rights. The deletion or alteration of any information or security measures included in the site is strictly prohibited.

AltamarCAM does not grant Users any license of any sort over its intellectual property rights or over its rights related to the Website contents.

Therefore, any reproduction (total or partial), transmission (by electronic or other means), modification, transformation, link or any public or commercial use of the website and its contents without the prior written consent by AltamarCAM is strictly forbidden.

Information Security

AltamarCAM has taken technological security measures to protect the information provided by Users in the event of improper use, loss or alteration. However, AltamarCAM does not guarantee the confidentiality with regards to communications and information of users transferred through the Website. AltamarCAM requests that users do not upload confidential information on the Website. Users must acknowledge that communication transmitted to the website is public and not private.

Privacy Policy

If you want to know all the information related to data protection, both of the data obtained through the Web Site and of the processing carried out by the main entities of the AltamarCAM group, you can access through the link:

Applicable Right

Access to and use of the Website will be subject to Spanish Legislation for services rendered in Spain and to German Legislation to services rendered in Germany. Users who access the Website within Spain or Germany will be responsible for the compliance with the national legislation that are applicable in regard to access and/or use of the information contained herein.

Website Owner

Altamar CAM Partners, S.L., headquartered in Paseo de la Castellana 91, Madrid, with C.I.F number B-83811570, registered in the Registro Mercantil de Madrid, on page M-341245, tome 19,448, folio 1.

Altamar CAM Partners, S.L. is owner (i) of 100% of Altamar Private Equity SGIIC S.A.U., management company of closed-end type collective investment entities, with C.I.F. A-84144625, registered in the corresponding administrative register of the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV) on 19 February 2016, with registration number 247 and inscribed in the Registro Mercantil de Madrid on page M-365063, tome 20.619, folio 185; (ii) of 100% of Altamar Global Investments A.V., S.A., securities agency with C.I.F. A-87037164, inscribed in the corresponding administrative register of the CNMV, on 11 July 2014, with registration number 253 and registered in the Registro Mercantil de Madrid on page M-583583, tome 32.421, folio 120; (iii) of 42,5% of Altan Real Estate, S.A. with C.I.F. A-84793454, registered in the Registro Mercantil de Madrid on page M-413526, tome 23.080, folio 212, which is the sole owner of 100% of Altan Capital SGIIC, S.A., management company of collective investment institutions with C.I.F. number A-85149839 registered in the corresponding administrative register of the CNMV, on 20 July 2007, with number 219 and registered in the Registro Mercantil de Madrid on page M-413526, tome 24.189, folio 120 and (iv) of 100% of CAM Alternatives GmbH with registered office at Gereonshof 12, 50670 Cologne, Germany, and Tax Identification Number 215/5950/0017.

Legal Notice in the U.S.A.

Altamar Partners North America LLC is constituted under the laws of the State of Delaware, United States, and is registered in the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) of the United States, as an Investment Advisor. Details of this registration can be viewed on Altamar Private Equity SGIIC, S.A.U. and CAM Alternatives GmbH, both hold “Exempt Reporting Advisor” status with the SEC, relying on the “Private Fund Adviser” exemption.

AltamarCAM and its non-US subsidiaries, do not operate in the United States, and do not provide advice to customers in the U.S. The information on this page relating to AltamarCAM and its non-US subsidiaries is not intended for use by people in the U.S. 

Legal Notice in Japan

Under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law of Japan, Business Operators of Specially Permitted Businesses for Qualified Institutional Investors, Etc. are required to make available to the public certain information. If you would like to obtain such information as to CAM Alternatives GP S.à r.l. or ACP GLOBAL PRIVATE MARKETS GP S.à r.l., please make a request via email to and indicate your name, company name, position and email address, and such information will be sent to you via email promptly after your request.