Annual Report 2023

We’re excited to present the Foundation’s 2023 Annual Report, now available. This document reflects the hard work and dedication that the AltamarCAM team has put in throughout the year, as well as the positive impact we have made together through the projects and communities we support.

To contribute to a better society, relying on the resources of AltamarCAM to meet the needs of the communities in which we live and work.
To achieve an excellent Foundation that augments its social impact by enhancing the human, organizational, relational and economic capabilities of the firm.

Strategic Areas

  • Contribute to innovation and excellence in education
  • Train people in risk of social exclusion to improve their personal and professional skills to become fully integrated members of society

  • Improve the quality of life of disabled people in economic need
  • Contribute to health research

Projects' Requirements

The Foundation’s Board of Trustees shall prioritise projects that meet the following criteria:
The overall “outstanding” features of the project shall be valued while taking account of the quality and experience of the team, economic and organizational feasibility and maturity.
Knowledge-based innovative projects (not only scientific) that lead to changes (not only technological) and generate value (not only economic).
Specific initiatives with concrete goals geared towards people with fewer resources, social problems and disabilities.
The projects and entities that manage them must be technically, environmentally and financially viable and sustainable in the long term, with the goal is to ensure a long-lasting social impact.
To channel the team’ spirit of solidarity and to encourage participation should be an intrinsic element of the project.
The cooperation with third parties should create value, and Altamar CAM values should be evident.
The non-profit entity should be certified by Fundación Lealtad or another respected independent body, or should have obtained or be actively working to obtain a quality certification.
Monitoring and assessment of each project’s progress based on pre-defined goals and performance indicators. Measuring social impact is essential for the project’s selection process, financing and reporting.

Foundation Policy AltamarCAM

“AltamarCAM’s founding partners and managers are personally committed to ensuring that the profits made by the Company will have an impact on society beyond the creation of wealth and employment. We seek to make the Foundation’s mission a reality through effective, orderly and transparent management of its resources.”

Claudio Aguirre – Chairman of AltamarCAM


Having a positive impact in society, not only as investors but also through the Foundation’s philanthropic initiatives, is part of our  attractiveness as employers and a great team effort.
  • Impact on Education
  • Impact on Health
  • Fundación Altamar: around the world
Proyecto Impacta in collaboration with Fundación Integra

Labour market integration of social groups in an extreme disadvantage.

Mastering Impact Measurement through the development of an advanced methodological tool for measuring impact (Theory of Change).


235 Beneficiaries

210 Applications considered

34 Volunteers

2nd Company of ‘Red Integra’ with the most volunteers engaged

70 Cases studied of which:


-41 Found a job

-51% With a salary over Minimum Wage

-78% In the industry they wanted

#YoBExit by Fundación Exit

To help young people in risk of scholar dropout to continue their training so there’s more social integration and less youth unemployment.


180 Beneficiaries
26 Young people directly impacted by volunteers
6 Volunteers

Language Immersion by Fundación Tajamar

Scholarships and volunteering to develop language skills for students from vulnerable environments. Volunteers act as a reference point and inspiration.


200 beneficiaries
76 Students impacted by volunteers
19 Volunteers 

Escuela de Verano by Fundación ExE

Professional development program aimed at young people and professionals who aspire to bring educational and social change for the benefit of equal opportunities for all children.


150 Students from vulnerable environments
40 New teachers
22 Volunteers

Cocina Solidaria by Asociación Norte Joven

Training in cooking and catering for 17 disadvantaged young people aged 16 to 25 who also receive Secondary Education.


17 Beneficiaries
73 Participants

Scholarship ‘Escuela de Música Reina Sofía’ by Fundación Albéniz

Beneficiary: Montserrat Egea, cellist

Animal-Assisted Therapy by Fundación A la PAR

Development of an animal-assisted therapy program as part of the treatment for adults with disabilities, to favour the emotional control and expression.


25 Beneficiaries
10 Participants

Pediatric Palliative Health Care by Fundación Vianorte-Laguna

Assist children in a terminal phase who lack continuous medical and social health care by supporting a team made up of a nurse, respiratory physiotherapy and music therapist.


14 Children treated
28 Family members impacted

Tu Ayuda Suma by Fundación Prójimo Próximo

To help people with physical, mental and/or sensory disabilities, who due to their lack of financial resources, cannot face the basic needs of their daily life on their own.


10 Direct Beneficiaries
55 participants in the activities aimed to support Prójimo Próximo

The Foundation is supporting a project in each of the countries the firm is present in, leveraging the capabilities of the AltamarCAM team.
Literacy Partners, New York

Support families through a two-generation approach to education. With free classes, community workshops, and education media, low-income and immigrant parents and caregivers develop literacy and language skills that are necessary to succeed in today’s world.

DKMS, Cologne
Promote donors’ contribution to this International charity dedicated to the fight against blood cancer and blood disorders.
Ship2b Foundation, Barcelona
Contribute through mentoring and funding to an investment project with social impact with the aim of increasing the quality of its value proposition and business plan.
daleProfe, Santiago de Chile

A platform for vulnerable schools and kinder garden teachers who present small projects that can improve their students learning capacities.

The Foundation Undertakes to Give Priority to:

  • Securing the involvement of the Board of Trustees and its staff in the Foundation’s activities.
  • Promoting transparency and communication in its mission statement, detailed account of activities and performance, as well as providing audited annual accounts or detailed information on members of the governing bodies (profiles and experience), focusing on quality rather than volume.

Board of Trustees


Aldara Fernández de Córdova


Claudio Aguirre


 José Luis Molina


Paloma Ybarra


Ignacio Antoñanzas


Mónica Aguirre


Elena González


Fernando Olaso


María Luisa Lombardero


Ana Sainz de Vicuña


Miguel Zurita


Marta Montalbán

Executive Committee

Aldara Fernández de Córdova

Mónica Aguirre

Joaquín Díaz Regañon

Beatriz Parias

María Luisa Lombardero